A very original concept and breathtaking animation brings this dark story to life. Otokoyo is a game of hide and seek unlike any ever played before. Following the lit characters that spell out Otokoyo through the dark streets of their town, children can play a very special game of hide and seek. In Otokoyo the children who are caught, are taken away by demons. Hikora, a young boy joins this game in hopes of finding his sister who is said to have disappeared playing Otokoyo. Eventually finding his way to Otokoyo square, he finds eight other children and the game begins.
The animation in Kakurenbo is amazing, combining the best CGI and animation to deliver a fantastic looking world. The sound, music and voice overs go with the animation quite well and really add to the overall eerie ambience. The character development doesn't really exist in this title and for good reason, the characters are not the main focus, the demons are. This anime title has a very unique approach and delivers a great storyline. All these elements combined with a surprise ending makes this anime is a must see. I highly recommend this title to all anime enthusiasts.
Source: http://www.watchanimeonline.com/
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